Nine Corners Academy



ِAbout Us

Nine Corners Academy is dedicated to cultivating human development and elevating consciousness, empowering individuals to live their best lives and contribute to creating a healthier community. Our goal is to illuminate the path toward personal excellence, shining as a beacon for people worldwide. 

We aid people to reach their self actualized potential, so they can live a purposeful, abandoned and beautiful life.
The Academy helps people to live a principle-centered life, committed to continuous intellectual, spiral and physical development, with a devotion to creating value in each role they fill, in a family, friend ,community and organizational setting.

Hanan Zain-Eldin (Professional relationship coach and Enneagram trainer)

Professional coach from international coaching federation Enneagram accredited teacher and trainer from international Enneagram association. 

Psychology researcher at Alexandria university. In Egypt, I strongly believe in Enneagram and the positive impact that it has on self-development and relationships. I strongly believe in coaching and it's an effective and quick impact on self improvement, as everyone has the problem and it's a solution inside him. I've decided to use Enneagram power as an invaluable tool because it facilitates hitting points in the coaching session.